Sigma Notation

Sigma notation is a way to represent the summation of a series of numbers. It uses the Greek letter Σ (sigma) to indicate a sum.

General Form

The general form of sigma notation is:

Σi=mn f(i)


Interactive Example

Click for Help: Understanding Sigma Notation

1. Enter a lower limit and upper limit to define the range of summation.

2. Provide a function in terms of i (e.g., i^2 for the square of i).

3. Click Calculate Sum to see the result.

Sigma Notation

Sigma notation is a mathematical way to represent the summation of a series of terms. It uses the Greek letter Σ to denote the sum.

General Form

Σi=mn f(i)



Summation of Integers

Calculate Σi=15 i:

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15

Summation of Squares

Calculate Σi=14 i2:

12 + 22 + 32 + 42 = 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 = 30

Properties of Summation

Applications of Sigma Notation

Sigma Notation

Properties of Summation

Summation Calculator

Enter the constants and limits to calculate the summation:

Result: 0

Quiz on Properties of Summation

What is the result of Σi=13(2i + 1)?

Practical Applications of Sigma Notation

Sigma Notation Calculator

Calculate the summation of a function:

Result: 0